by Perum Peruri



IDENTIK PKH is an application provided by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia to record livestock after being given the Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) vaccination as a support for data collection on FMD vaccination. In this application we can get various information about livestock, owners, business units and cages.In the Identik PKH application you can see Features: 1. Business unit informationThis feature provides business livestock ownership information including deed of establishment, email, telephone number, address, PIC identity (NIK, name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, address)2. Owner InformationThis feature provides information on individual livestock owners including NIK, IDIKHNAS, name, gender, age, telephone number and complete address3. cage informationThis feature provides cage data information that includes cage name, cage capacity, cage status, address, owner identity (name, NIK, telephone number, gender, date of birth, complete address).4. Animal data informationThis feature provides information on livestock data which includes livestock profiles, growth, medical records, insemination, milk production, and ownership